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    Wait…did this article just casually confirm S7 for VB?

    There is a clear flaw with the calculation, which is that it assumes that one Netflix subscription = one person. We all know that isn't the case.

    Who is the fourth non-Sobotka member then?

    I don't see any reason, as of now, why that won't happen. Martin hasn't stopped writing and his pace is still in line with the last two books. He even said he tried to get WoW done before S6 of the show started.

    I agree with wanting ASOIAF to be completed but I think GRRM takes issues with some fans because there are many who speculate on his health and him dying before the series ends. And there are others who complain when he enjoys his life instead of finishing the books. Sometimes it's the same fans making both comments,

    From a business standpoint, a book is clearly a product, not a service.

    I don't like it. I'm so eager for new book material so of course I'm going to read it. But it's so dissatisfying to read a chapter where not much happens and have nothing else afterwards.

    Chapter 3

    I see it as a life lesson for bullies. This is what happens if you're an asshole in middle school kids.

    I don't really consider the MCU Captain America story to be self-contained in the trilogy of Captain America movies though. Avengers 1 shows his distrust of government powers like SHIELD which leads into TWS. Both Avengers movies build his relationships with the other MCU characters which fed into the conflict with

    Yea, the movie really functions as a sequel to Cap 2, Avengers 2, and Iron Man 3 (in that order) while also serving as a origin story for Black Panther and Spider-Man and adding a little on to Ant-Man.

    So I take it you're not excited for the Thor / Hulk brofest that will be Thor Ragnorak then?

    Yea they really underplayed his role for the first two-thirds of the movie so I wonder if that's why people didn't like him. If you consider everything he did in the movie, he really did a good job orchestrating madness.

    I would have said it was a bad decision to not use stuntmen then haha. One review said it was close to looking like a Benny Hill montage and I can't disagree with that.

    Yep I can buy that, just wish he had said something along those lines - maybe even to that dude from Cleveland he killed. That really is a minor squabble though, for the most part I appreciated how they used him sparsely.

    I saw Civil War yesterday (tried to see it Friday and Saturday but didn't plan far enough ahead and all shows sold out by the time I got my friends to commit to going). Couple thoughts (with spoilers for those who haven't seen):

    I feel like it was a misstep to hold the obvious R + L = J reveal any longer than they needed to. Could have at least shown Ned heading into the Tower and back out with a black-haired baby, wouldn't need much else. (EDIT: Should add the baby crying could be an implied verification but they could have made it crystal

    Damn, I definitely misread 6:5 as 11:5 by mistake (also it'd be $108). Meaning I thought I'd get $108 payout and my $90 back. Because if the line was +120, that would be the case. So now I understand your issue with my bet. That's shameful for me as I used to bet a shit ton back when I first got of college.

    To be honest I didn't realize this was an actual week to week competition. And in that case, feel I deserve credit for calling Balon Greyjoy dying last week when he wasn't even in the article.

    I'm not sure Tommen has the gumption to actually dress Cersei down to the point where the Mountain would see him as a threat. I actually have been thinking he would die from poisoning, perhaps a failed attempt by Cersei to take Margaery out, just like his siblings before him.