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    So Loras went from 15-1 in an episode he didn't appear in to not on the list at all?

    I totally disagree. It may not be as popular to visit, but it'd still be cool if it had the same bars / restaurants / live music scene that it does.

    I'd assume it's easier to get bands who are touring to go to festivals and that they get similar lineups because they don't expect the majority of people are going to go to more than one festival.

    Have you ever been to Austin? It's nothing like the rest of Texas and a ton of fun to visit.

    Even the one bumbling buffoon cop (Fusco) is actually pretty damn good at his job. Like when he gets shot in the ass, it's kind of played for laughs but he got shot cause he dove in front of a kid to take the bullet.

    "I suddenly wandered whether Barry was going to get turned into The Flish"

    I mean that machine Wells put Barry in has to be inspired by the Doomsday machine from Fringe - right?

    My friends don't watch most of the awesome shows I do (Fargo, Silicon Valley, Better Call Saul, Mr. Robot, Orphan Black, POI).

    I would have made the same call. I chose to watch POI live last night over meeting friends for drinks.

    I really wish the writers weren't killing off every single Earth-2 character. When Earth-2 first got announced, I was excited by the possibility of a Fringe type transition where the show slowly built to being about two different worlds. But this season so far, Joe, Ronnie, Caitlin, Cisco, and Dante have already been

    Most Wanted was a terrible idea from the get go…why weaken AoS to make a show no one is clamoring for?

    Jeremy Lambert's still alive too and I think is confirmed to be coming back. Elias and Carter are both credited in future episodes as well (and I'm not so sure I buy Elias is even dead yet). Also saw Kara Stanton in one of the episodes so I assume she'll be in a flashback as well.

    I think ending on that white tulip after every character basically made amends with each other was pretty well done.

    What's funny is I was looking for something random to watch the other night and caught POI reruns and the episode on was the one with that IA guy. So seeing him again right after was perfect timing.

    Not disagreeing with you there, just saying for me it isn't hard to separate the shows even when watched back to back. I actually was behind on AoS by three episodes due to traveling for work so binged them all before the new episode. Didn't think about it once after POI started though.

    See I don't consider AoS sci-fi though, it's more fantasy in my book.

    I like both shows and have honestly never tried to compare them. POI is better overall, sure, but it's also one of the best shows on TV period.

    It sucks the show is ending but getting a proper finale after 100+ episodes is pretty much best case scenario I think. Most shows don't make it to five seasons and those that go beyond that point often see a drop in quality.

    Haha…that reminds me of Landfill 2 from Beerfest. "Hey guys, the Machine's already told me about the rest of you so no need for us to go through that awkward, getting to know each other phase."

    Also, did anyone else get Falling Down vibes from Root through the early part of this episode?