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    I thought I read an interview where the creators said they've left themselves the ability to do a sixth season if they were picked up (as S5 was produced before CBS officially announced it was the last one and they'd still be able to try the Netflix / other channel route). So I kind of doubt we get an everyone dies


    That opening scene was perfect, loved the music too (wondering what song that was).

    Hey gang, we stopped another dastardly villain. Let's all race for the fifteenth time this year to end another episode.

    I don't know my grandmother's maiden name…maybe I'm a terrible grandson. At least Barry has the excuse that he didn't grow up with his parents.

    You mean you weren't rooting for Michael Fassbender?

    Chadwick Boseman is a good actor too though.

    I'm interested to see how Dr. Strange tackles Dormammu. Also have wanted to see Surtur in a Thor movie for a while.

    All of whom I'd assume are on the table for Marvel to use now if they wanted to.


    I was debating trying to go out tonight for a beer or two…then I saw Person of Interest was back. Definitely will be watching that instead.

    Yea no kidding…in what castle does the fucking king have to cross any sort of draw bridge to retreat to his chambers from the throne room? Much less a rickety ass one like the one shown.

    Just realized? Balon himself says hes the last of the five to be alive and then promptly dies right after that.

    I honestly doubt Big Head is motivated enough to try to start his own business.

    The problem is the general audience is interested in Game of Thrones and news sites like Yahoo will cater their offerings based on the person visiting. I have a friend who would never look at spoiler sites who got spoiled because Yahoo linked to a article about the set pictures months ago and put it near the top of

    I hope that was the case actually as that would indicate we won't get a similar finale this season. I was worried they regressed their writing to incorporate more cliffhangers to keep viewers interested as so many network / cable shows do (cough, TWD, cough).

    To answer the Kingsmoot question, I think it'll play largely like the books but with a few small tweaks:

    I thought a lot happened. They are clearly setting the table for a major conflict between Ramsey and Jon now. Ramsey has support from the North, Jon will have the wildlings. You also have Sansa and Brienne heading to the Wall as well and, of course, Littlefinger and his army on the way from last season presumably.

    Agreed. The finale, in general, should have been the ninth episode. They showed Myrcella seemingly dying but not dead for sure. They showed Sansa and Theon jumping from a height that should have killed them (and still never explained how they survived without even a minor injury). They showed Brienne kill Stannis

    I assume because Roose was arrogant enough to think he had total control of his son.