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    Where's Clyde in all this? Hopefully not in the exploding brownstone!?!?

    Taking full credit for this call now.

    Personally I laughed the most when that sales video at the end had a picture of Dinesh as the "foreigner" threat. Great episode.

    Nah me and my friends always joke about what we think will happen next and sometimes one of us hits the nail on the head. If they cared about me talking / speculating during an episode, I wouldn't be doing it.

    True…honestly there was no real point in showing Euron killing Balon. They could have had his body wash up and heavily insinuated Euron did it. But that's a minor complaint.

    I thought the books heavily indicated Euron did kill Balon.

    Well he also double-crossed the Boltons by telling Cersei of Ramsey marrying Sansa last season and getting permission to invade Winterfell. Seems like he should have reached there by now.

    BTW…where the hell is Littlefinger?

    But a lot of people called Jon being resurrected when the Night's Watch tried to burn his body. So it's not like that would have been surprising either. The only truly surprising plot option would have been for him to stay dead period.

    Haha…that would have actually been perfect.

    Yea I mean his dad called it, he's basically a rabid dog. Him unleashing a pack of dogs on Walda that listened to him as if he was one of their own only reinforced that.

    I thought about that but honestly I'm just glad they got it over with as soon as possible. Again, everyone knew he'd be coming back to life so why bother prolonging it?

    I thought it was obvious what he gained. His dad basically told him to ship up or he'd replace him as his primary heir with his newborn son. So the second his brother was born, he had to choose between doing whatever Roose wanted or killing his remaining family and doing things his own batshit crazy way.

    To be honest I thought he was going to take that baby and slam it to the ground when he took him in his arms for a second. So seeing him unleash dogs on Walda was a bit better than that.

    Maybe this is just because I watch too much TV but as Melisandre started her chanting I turned to my friends and said, "It's going to seem like it failed, everyone will walk out one by one in disappointment, and then he'll wake up and cut to black." The resurrection seemed real cliche to me given it was that easy to

    Yes and I had no problem with that (sorry if my last point came off as brusque as that wasn't the intention).

    Are the Greyjoys in next episode? Because if so, I would bet on Balon dying or being mentioned as dead.

    Given how they've handled other plot lines, like Dorne, doubt they will. Wouldn't be surprised if Euron kills Yara and Balon, who still is alive on the show or at least not proclaimed dead, in his introduction.

    I would put Bran in the top-tier. His story is so out there compared to every other character's that it seems unlikely that it wouldn't tie into the final plot somehow.

    Nice write-up - totally agree.