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    I'm not so sure - Game of Thrones loves to keep the sniveling villains alive for as long as possible. I could see him besting Davos and company and being taken down by Jon Snow (who I still believe will come back to life) later this season.

    Moon Knight and Blade would make for good Netflix shows as well. I hope they eventually get to the point where they can get three Marvel shows out a year.

    We're just going in circles at this point. I'm OK with you liking the movie, I just don't.

    So Method Man plays a gangster named Cheddar years after playing a gangster nicknamed Cheese on The Wire?

    Didn't they reveal that the ninjas were undead earlier this season? Which would explain why Matt can't detect their heartbeats like he can with normal people?

    Well either zombies or Hannibal.

    You had me at Jeremy Irons.

    I would guess yes.

    Don't forget America's undertrousers that is Central America!

    I wrote "be drunk while hosting"

    Regarding the Flash, I don't think its fair to say audiences saw Jay as Zoom coming. I read most message boards post episodes of that show and the overwhelming majority of people thought it would be either Barry's dad (or an Earth-2 version of him) or Earth-2 Barry himself. Most people didn't think it would be Jay

    To each their own, I think Arrow's execution of its plot lines is as bad as it gets. I'm invested enough to finish out the first five seasons as I'm hoping they have some reveal for the flashbacks ending. But after that likely am done.

    Arrow is not great IMO - I loved the first two seasons and the show has its moments still but the writing is bad. The writers even admitted they had no idea who was in the coffin at the beginning of this season and that lack of planning shows.

    True…but she only put her stuff there when they acquiesced to her request that they change their licensing policies. I think it's fair to say at one point in time she chose to go with Tidal over everyone else.

    I don't think you can stream her music on Spotify - Tidal is streaming so I would assume they meant she opted for that over Spotify. You can obviously buy her music anywhere though.

    There's that rumor out there that Feige wanted to ax Inhumans specifically to slight the team behind the TV side of the MCU that he got out under. If that's the case, this is a bit sad for me because I was looking forward to this movie and I continue to hope that the TV side of the MCU gets acknowledged in the movies.

    What's incredible to me is this show proves my theory that the creative team behind the Arrow-verse don't bother to storyboard seasons. I honestly feel like it would be easy for me to reorganize episodes of Arrow S3, S4, and LOT and come up with much more cohesive stories.

    I am an American born Indian and I got to be honest, I feel like people are just too sensitive these days…I mean half of comedy is insulting to someone. I saw nothing wrong with this episode.

    Yea exactly. All they need to do is adapt the Dr. Doom from the comics instead of making stupid fucking changes to his character. He's one of the best villains Marvel has period and Fox keeps portraying him horribly.

    "and a dude who runs real fast and is also on fire"