
Just leave some trailers to not have all the details and have some surprises. Do you want the whole movie to be spoiled by the first trailer? Come on!

Fool me once with Metal Gear. Not willing to get this on day one for sure.

You keep buying the wrong games then.

Hope is not needed. It’s Kojima.

Does that mean we’ll see a Frisky Dingo Season 3 after that?

Barry, is it cool to look at art books that go over the animation process?

Finished Tales of Borderlands. GREAT story! Looking now to play Titan Fall 2 and Battlefield 1. Maybe even some placement matches in Overwatch season 3

Harry Potter definitely romanticize the food that’s served at bordering schools.

Sigh, I guess I can wait a bit longer for that Tales of Borderlands season 2.

Can’t even feel sorry for this guy.

Why is this sentence in larger font when it appears again directly underneath it?

I will never agree that the old Berserk opening song was great or that it fits with the tone of the anime. The rest is fine.

Again with the “Prothean/Forerunner” alien origin theme

Fucking hate spoilers in the header titles

GUYS! GUYS! Just start reading the comic from here on out. Much more direct and enjoyable.

This is the dumbest idea ever.

Get the money! Get the cash!