
@Les Mikesell: Buy a router that shares a USB storage device. This would cost you, what, $80?

Dead animal: boner

Ugh. If ever there was a more worthless "entertainer".

You're absolutely right. When was the last time Stevie sold a bundle of anything for one-tenth its original price?

@blyan: $30 million severance? Holy shit, why can't I get fired from a job like that?

@wanderingrabbi: Because the OS is already doing the application management, so they end up fighting each other. Android starts up and then suspends applications as needed, ATK kills the tasks, Android starts them up again and puts them to sleep. It's a pointless cycle. Android is more than capable of managing your

10 years ago, did we imagine that we'd carry around computers in our pocket that constantly stay connected to the internet, take pictures, know our locations, act as compasses, play our music and movies, email, text and make phone calls?

The strange thing is.... I love Google. I almost don't even care that they will eventually become Skynet. Mine my data. Just give me more of of those great services: maps, search, docs, buzz, labs, earth, mail, voice, ANDROID!!

The original Droid is the best phone I've ever owned because it came with a vanilla Android, was plenty fast and had a pretty good camera.

@St3v3: I'm pretty sure it's Verizon doing these gimmicky promotions and I'm positive VZW is behind the eFuse. Don't you dare think about adding functionality to your phone before they sell you a new one and lock you into a new contract.

Japan signed up for this on December 7, 1941.

@Go Vols!: It really is. Our elected officials often don't have enough bad things to say about Saudi. The government praises them publicly quite often when we shouldn't have a good thing to say about them.

@mricyfire: Don't be an idiot. We, like anyone else, have an opinion to share and we can by all means share it.

@Buzz Mega: After the hundreds of millions of dollars they've made (thanks to our help) from the opium trade, they probably wouldn't have a hard time acquiring it.

@mrdobo: Plumbing tools?

@squishyalt: I will start working on my DEWD (directed energy weapon disruption) UAV skin intellectual patent tomorrow.

I actually contacted the Army astronaut recruiting team.

If you are very serious about blocking calls with an Android, those applications mentioned in this article are not 100% effective because they're working ON TOP of the firmware. To effectively block the calls, install a custom ROM like CyanogenMod. This allows you to block a call from your call log and manage the

@hudis: I guess you can just buy an Asus, with ports of every type all over your computer.

@tw@t: I definitely crapped in a lot of garbage bags, too. You have to be on base to enjoy the porcelain.