
Looks like you got your answer, Giz. Mine-clearing engineer vehicle.


I'll tell her everything I know.

It's as if the inventor of the Leatherman had tankers in mind when he developed these. I never deploy without it. It kills me that the Army now issues Gerber multi tools. IMHO, these a far superior.

@ilos: What would we do without government to save us from ourselves?

@michael: "Julian Assange farts on a plane" should always be posted?

If a lesser nation were there, there would be no aggregate data to "leak".

Great, someone took pictures of Northern Iraq during a small dust storm.

Still waiting on my lottery winnings, then Apple can sell me a Mac Pro.

Won't work in Iraq or Afghanistan because they have a jerry-rigged power grid. Perhaps some parts of Baghdad might be alright, but from what I saw it's total garbage.

@pixelsnader: No need. I have the options available to me. Maybe its because I work with PCs that I dislike them. I associate them with..well, work.

@goldentreesang: Still love my OS X. I have a Win 7 and XP machine. Of course I see it's usefulness, but my daily driver is an Apple machine. I just can't get away from it.

@Chon: I'm going to start a company, create a bunch of intellectual patents of things people are sure to create someday. I'll lie in wait, let them be invented and sell millions and sue for patent infringement.

@uttc16: You're absolutely right and I saw that happening on a daily basis.

@openfly: Manning cost Manning his life.

@Nick: Very funny. He didn't append too much time in Iraq after that.

@nerumycroft: Get your ass overseas, fight a war, watch your buddies die, and cheat death in numerous skirmishes with insurgents. Tell me how you feel about the video after that.

The Chinese have been trying to get advanced military equipment for years now. They make these "copies" through reverse engineering by purchasing individual parts all the way up the real thing.

@versatilias: Hover over the letter longer, then continue.