Unseelie Jess

Me, too! Let us be friends! Sandy’s Lost Sense of Self could be a pretty good band name, if you wanna start one together.

I hope so. I'd love to see him meet Quentyn's fate (one of my favorite side stories that doesn't go anywhere).


I see those ads every summer, and they always make my skin crawl.


I personally see Violet as the Gretchen, but I feel you.

Ugh, not in this house. Every time Violet or Pearl are on the screen, someone inevitably screams "Read Shakespeare!" at the tv.

Vallegirl, I miss your recaps! Love and hugs, from angrynerdgirl

That's how my husband knows which one she is. Today he even said "I love Katya, because she's always so concerned that her team is going home, even when she's going to be hilarious."

Same thing. No reading before coffee.

Nooo! Goddammit. This poor kid.

I ended up leaving work 30 minutes later, just so I wouldn't have to deal with him.

Ugh, one of my guy friends once told me "By specifically mentioning that you weren't interested in sex, you probably turned him on. I mean, he read that as you challenging him and you saying you were TOTALLY down for sex." That was my guy friend explaining how my rape happened, btw.

UGH, I had a guy do that on my commute home from my old job. I took two busses and a train, though, and fortunately he was never ambitious enough to follow me ALL the way home. (My commute was about an hour and a half long).


Ugh, I feel you. Also, I really like your username.

Wow. Definitely missed that one. Damn night job.

Ha. Well, whenever my mom forgets (it's a relatively new situation, and she's not mentally very well anyway), he acts like the entire family is trying to murder him.


It's called diverticulitis. He found out when he ate nuts and almost died. They get stuck in his stomach lining and stay there without being digested, until they eventually break through and go into his bloodstream, I suppose.