Unseelie Jess

He's incredibly sweet and so generous to fans. It was really awesome working with him for a week.

Anyone else remember when Paris Hilton tried to trademark "That's hot"? Maybe TayTay and Paris should be buds.

I did that when I met George Takei. It was embarrassing as hell. He was super sweet about it, though. Brad Takei made me laugh, and then I could talk like a human again.

I love me some She-Ra! But, I mean...duh.

Seriously. It's not like the new version is being made by George Lucas.

True story, my friend's dog pulled my divacup out of my suitcase and tried to eat it when I was staying at their house. He really really wanted a divacup of his own. (My friend bought me a new one).

"Females." Shudder.

That's fair. It's just funny to see a literal line of people standing in front of a piece, taking selfies. Sometimes with those phone holder things.

Nev, is it ok to hate Nazism? What about Boko Haram's actions? What about Daesh/ISIL? I'm super allergic to raspberries, so can I hate them?

I work at a museum, and one of my favorite things to do on my break is giggle at all of the people who come in groups, line up next to each other, and take individual selfies. Like, you're all right there! Ask the person who is clearly your friend and not in your picture to take a picture of you next to the art!

I think this is a common sentiment with men of a certain age group and upbringing or class. My dad used to take pride in the fact that his dad swore like a sailor, but never in front of women. Whenever I'd curse, I'd get a whole lecture on "Now, that's not how nice young ladies talk." 13 year old baby feminist

Wear pale gloss on your lips and say you're rocking the 90s!

"What if someone gives you a generous hug and half your mouth comes off on their shirt—not your lipstick—your mouth?"

This is basically my friend's cat. She is the sweetest, loudest, cuddliest, most hyperactive creature I've ever met in my life. I took care of her one holiday, and it took about 2 minutes for my (very) old man cat to be like "Child. Shut up. Calm down. Get out of my house." He's usually so friendly!

Doc Oz is a quack? I'm shocked!

No one sells bullshit quack medicine like Gaston!

Props for the Mighty Ducks.

My friend does, too. It's so frustrating.

Ugh, these stupid extracts. One of my dear friends who was a biology major and really should know better bought into ALL his garbage. She spent a fuckton of money on this green coffee extract shit, along with acaia berry extract. I hope she can get some of her money back now. Nothing I said could convince her that

My dad taught me when I was very young that the only people who ask that question are people who are used to having others not trust them. If they're used to not being trusted, it's probably because they're untrustworthy. Long story short, if someone (like street-rat Aladdin, who probably prompted this lesson) asks