Unseelie Jess

#ByePhylicia (sigh)

I know this is kind of the exact wrong message to take from this, but I want all of these apps now. Oh, the things they could do with my face! My cat's face! Everyone's face! Drag queens everywhere!

Oh my goodness, that dog.

That looks nauseating.


I would watch that movie. It would star Harry Dean Stanton and therefore be awesome.

Her parents, unfortunately.

My cat does the same thing to me every day. I am my home's dog.

She and Poison Ivy were such a healthier couple.

The man she left the Doctor for was just the worst.

It's such a shame that no one goes to see movies that star a female lead. This is exactly why we'll never get a Wonder Woman or Black Widow movie.

That chair looks so comfy. I want it.

I am sorry you had to sit behind us. :(

Ohhh, I thought that was generally the case, but maybe you had magical dino-powers. I mean, you probably do. Just not in this case. :)

Google Fu is almost as good as Wong Fu.

This, exactly. Also, your MS Paint skills are en pointe!

We're just psyched you can type at all, Adultosaur. Being a dinosaur and all, keyboards aren't really made for your claws. (Yes, I imagine a dinosaur typing your thoughts, and it's wonderful).

"Look MORE closlier..."

Thank you. That is one of the sexiest moments in movie history, and I don't care who disagrees with me!

WhoreNun is my favorite clip from SNL and it kills me that it's not available anywhere online. I think I have it on a VHS that I taped off of the tv a long time ago, so at least there's that.