Unseelie Jess

Gary is my favorite color.

My cats love to eat tape. They're drawn to it. They chew on it and play with it like it's the best toy that ever existed.

YES! It's absurd what we do to animals for convenience or "breed standards."

Nothing can ever top that swimming pool scene for me. I'd like to see these two try...

I wanted that weird Barbie so badly, and I never got it. Thanks, Mom.

Same! I thought it was so cool!


I don't hate myself for watching it, but it was awfully long. I liked it better than the book, because part of what killed me when reading it was the truly awful prose. What I hated, though, is that we never see Amy as the "cool girl." She's an ice queen the entire time, so the revelation that she's alive and

I hated the book, but love David Fincher, too. Illegally streamed it with beer and a cat on my lap. Best plan.


Which blows my mind, because as much love as I give to Hills, she is quite soft on the big banks. I want Lizzie Warren....

A Corey Feldman game....

Now I want an Amanda Bynes game.

Good to know! I reported. Thank you! Side note, I friggin love Jamba Juice and I hate that I live in Pittsburgh now, where Jamba Juice is not.

I didn't, b/c my doctor said I couldn't prove it was from them. She said just to report it to they'll do anything.

Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. It spreads to everything it touches, and it never goes away.

Of COURSE they do this right after I get food poisoning from the Chipotle in Market Square. I miss ice cream...I miss food. (Beware, C.A., it's bad.)

Looks like the video you posted is gone already.

Well, John Kerry's been down there a few times, but yeah...

No no no no no no no!