Unseelie Jess

Didn't they try that in the first season of The Killing, and it pissed everyone off?

He got old and died. :(

I'm guessing they were probably Great Pyrenees puppies. They're already white, so it'd be easier. That or, like the Chinese Chow lion, it's a hoax story.

Wouldn't it be way easier to use a Great Pyrenees puppy?

I just sadly ate a clementine.

That was awesome of your parents. I was about the same age when Jim Henson died. My mom used it as a fear tactic. "You're scared to go to the doctor? So was Jim Henson! Do you want to die because you didn't go to the doctor, just like Jim Henson?" Talk about traumatizing.

Could you trade out I Spy for See No Evil, Hear No Evil?

Unf, I've wanted him for Bond for ages. He's delicious and so suave.

This year has been really tough to be a Bears fan. It doesn't help that I'm now in Steeler town, but it sucks to be openly mocked for wearing my jersey on game days.

Let's make the cut-off Sister Act 2. We'll still have Jumpin Jack Flash, but we can pretend that Eddie and Theodore Rex never happened. Plus, of course, all of this nonsense.

Whaaaaat the fuck

As an Oberlin grad, it was always fun when Michelle Malkin would come back to speak. Or at least, attempt to speak over the boo-ing.

Oh, fuck you, dickbag. (Brattin, not you Anna, of course!)

I think I must be a bad PK (Preacher's Kid), but I didn't even notice that it was crucifix shaped. It just looks like a dick to me.

I loved when South Park took him on. That Easter special is still one of my favorite episodes of all time.

I expected Whoopi to act like an asshole about this, but I wouldn't have dreamed she would have acted like a mess to Ms. Johnson's face. GTFO, Whoops. Some of you friends have raped people (Cosby, Polanski). Some of your friends are racist (Gibson). Your perspective on them is not the only one, and clearly not the

At least we got creepy David Thewlis out of it? And Gary Oldman is fantastic.

It's so weird to me to read these and realize that the Potters were like 19 when they had Harry.

Same! History of Magic could be a blast! I'd probably be best at Care of Magical Creatures, although I would love to kick butt at Charms.

Good for the Carry that Weight campaigners. Columbia's response has been tone-deaf through this entire thing.