Angie Tribeca

If holding onto the Democrats we have now is “mitigating damage,” then no, it’s already done. Democrats have no say, and they can’t even stand united, because some of them keep going for Trump. They’re not mitigating anything.

Democrats can’t stop throwing everyone else under the bus in the hope of getting a few white male voters. It’s a losing strategy, it’s BEEN a losing strategy, but people will shout you down if you point out that maybe they should try reaching out to the constituents they keep throwing under the bus. Maybe try

If you order a dealers choice and your complaint is just that it’s “too sweet” you’re likely too picky to order a dealer’s choice. 

You keep blaming “progressives/democrats” for this situation when in fact the problem was created by Bredesen and his big fucking mouth. You can’t support a rapist and expect women to campaign for you.

Mac using pictures of “roadkill and roast beef sandwiches to accurately depict what a vagina looks like” was exceptional comedy. EXCEPTIONAL. The look of utter befuddlement on the rest of the Gang’s faces was icing on the cake.

Like Dennis Perkins said about outing yourself...

Yes. Yet again the Democrats think that there’s some kind of neutral referee and that appearing to be “reasonable” will score them points. There is no referee. The opposition is happy to play dirty. Play dirty back.

Thirty or forty years ago, Chuck would have been a republican to the right of Nelson Rockefeller and Jacob Javits.

I thought these have been around forever.

The “Animal Shithouse” sign is exactly the same as Dee’s “Toilet” sign idea that they shut down for several reasons.

Charlie calling him a stupid twink, and Mac shouting “I’m a BEAR!” killed me.

Hey, Legos might be all you have to use.

Peter Sagal is a national fucking treasure.

Not at all ~ We eat “hot dogs” here in Korea that are more similar to corn dogs, and are usually encased in batter, toppings, and then fried.  I can’t see calling a sausage completely encased in batter and chopped up french fries a sandwich, and if I called it so, locals would look at me funny.

I’d say it is settled. He gave a great, thoughtful answer. So let’s take it as settled law. That is, until the new SCOTUS stooge and the rest of the partisan majority decide that a hot dog is a salad.

“brought to you by the girl yogurt that makes Jamie Lee Curtis poop”

I bet she’s also a total hypocrite when it comes swapping consciousness with your teenage children or prostitution or marrying secret agents.