
So how does zombie sex work though? They said their blood is different
than humans and harder to get samples of and also Liv mentioned that
their brains are also dead-ish and not attractive to other zombies. So
without a fully functional brain, how does the necessarily fluids form
that are required for sex? Like

Is Michael gonna die next episode? Or get fatally wounded? Because I don't want that but the show is somehow hinting at it?

The sass is so on point, I love AV club posting stuff about this movie.

Um, thanks??
I mean, just think about it. They had Barrowman as a regular this season and he's been just chilling out at the loft all season and then randomly shows up to bring bad news. He's been working on this for a while. He wants Ra's dead but I think they're both going to die.
And I think it was Berlanti who said

This is exactly what is happening. He is totally faking it and Ra's is buying it, he is telling him all the secrets. I bet he is going to join alliances with Nyssa and take down Ra's for good.
And remember that whole thing about 'only the student can beat the master'?

I said this before, I'll say it again: Ra's is not the big bad of the season, Malcolm Effing Merlyn is. This is all his plan all along. He is the catalyst to all that has happened.
He knew killing Sara would bring Ra’s out. He needed his blood debt to
be paid. He knew Oliver would fight Ra’s in place of Thea. He knew

I want a movie based on Rogelio's severed head floating around in space.

I'd LOVE to see Thea as the next CEO, she'll do a way better job than Oliver ever did.

I'm pretty sure Oliver is to get his company back when Ray leaves by the season finale to fly off to his own show.

there are so many other things they could be doing with ray. and i think it'd be an awesome thing to see him actually trying to save the world with his technology instead of getting his ass kicked constantly in his stupid suit.

Oh, okay, I wasn't paying any attention then.
He needed to spell it out to Oliver though, he isn't usually the smartest one out there. Maybe he would have been more sympathetic.

also in some sort of symbolic ways (because i think too much about these), the glasses are felicity's armor so they kinda needed to be weak together??

but he never told him that he was actually dying… did he? i thought he was just hyping up the position and the hot tub resurrecting maching.

that was super weird and also funny tbh. she just jumped out like some weird creature from a weird horror movie

The editing was a little off BUT I DON'T CARE. It was glorious.

It'd have been nice if he sat down and explained that to Oliver, he'd have been more reasonable. Instead he makes Oliver's life hell.

The second best part of the episode?
360 degree shot of Amell's abs. #blessed

I'll be happy with the LoA stuff when they answer the WHY of Ra's reasons. He seems to love his position, wtf does he wanna leave it?

Oh, I ask that all the time.
And since the Pit apparently changes people, maybe they should have used it on Palmer to make him interesting.

They weren't sure about Lazarus Pit either.