

apparently they had ideas to use Ted Kord in some spin-off then they ended up giving Palmer the spin-off, which is weird.

I still have no idea wtf Ray was doing at the press conference. I hope he becomes the Mayor and dies like all the other mayors of Starling did.

Bronze Tiger actually dies in the Season 2.5 comics!!! Diggle again goes on a Suicide Squad mission and they try to rescue these girls and he gets killed in the crossfire.

I still have no idea why Ray was there and why he was the one making a special announcement while the freaking mayor (rip) and captain of scpd were there.

I loved that Roy got knocked out and Oliver just freaking left him there. "HE IS AN ADULT THEA, HE CAN TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF".

OK, now I want an episode of Malcolm singing 'Pinot Noir' from Kimmy Schmidt at the top of his lungs in the loft.

"Why is the CW so good now? Who died and made them King?! Oh NBC died."
My thoughts, exactly.
I watched 5 shows weekly and 4 of them are on CW

Watching Liv as this rather horny, flirtatious person made my week, seriously! It was incredible, the way she was flirting with the mistress, and then how she was checking out the guy during the interrogation.
And David Anders is killing it (pun intended) as a zombie.
I love this show so much.

Troll the respawn, Jeremy!!

I was dying when Wentworth said 'i suppose you can't give me a ride back to the city'

Wentworth Miller was incredible as Michael Scolfield and he is just freaking amazing as a villain, I love, love, LOVe every scene he is in, the way he delivers his lines is perfection and he seems to be having so much fun being united with Dominic.

Hell hath no fury like a Ra's scorned. That dude can't take rejection well.

"while I would have preferred them making out so hard that it broke her glasses, I will take it." my sentiments exactly

I wasn't expecting this episode to be a good one, but IT WAS GREAT!

The finale was perfect though, it makes for it.

Since NBC went and killed all my fave shows, now CW is all I have.

I miss Wonderfalls everyday. I also loved season 1 of Being Erica until the season finale when she had to go on and change what happened to her brother even though it was against the rules, that just annoyed me so much.

I LOVED IT SO MUCH! That's all I have to say.

SAME! I watch like 5 shows a week and 4 of them are on CW!