
Him trying to summarize the plot of Toy Story 3 was the best thing that happened this year.

I miss "Enlisted" every day, so happy to see that it's being acknowledged. Fox really treated it terribly.

I was so happy with him just hanging out, wreaking havoc on his own, then they revealed he became the horseman just because Ichabod did him wrong by stealing his fiance away. All of his evilness was taken away by one brushstroke. And now that Henry is the second horseman, it appears that they will make the other 2

I loved this show last season at the beginning but then started losing interest and I am pretty sure that is the result of their decision to make the Headless Horseman an actual guy rather than some demon. As much as I love Ichabod, I hate that every force of evil they face is directly related to him.

To paraphrase what someone said on Tumblr: If Oliver knew how frequently Barry uses his 'the lightning chose you' line, he'd be rolling his eyes so hard!

wow, i never considered the kid as a suspect before, but knowing how arrow loves incorporating characters from the past into the present, the kid might be killer too given the suspect 'is short' if oliver leads to his parent's deaths somehow. it still wouldn't explain how sara knew him, but still, it's fun to

katana insists it's a 'laundry machine' so i presume that's how he didn't know how to do it.

bless you for quoting Donna Meagle!

and this is coming from a girl who was stalked by a lacrosse player.

I AGREE! I mean, Oliver was rich too but he'd never show off. This dude is all 'this dress is expensive', 'this diamond necklace is super expensive', 'look at how rich I am Felicity, love me'.

i think the boy is gonna die because of oliver and they are gonna ship his ass back on to the island.

he was the flying guy in season 1 that dated claire and then disappeared (i don't remember what happened to the character tbh).

They indeed have a boner for her, yes… which makes me worried about stuff because I can't seem to get the appeal.

I'm pretty sure they'll give it another try again just for the sake of canon reasons and it's gonna be disgusting to watch. Arrow and Canary did hook up though and it caught up with the comics, why bother repeat it?

i can wait, i can totally wait if it means it'll be the endgame.

Felicity can get hired by ARGUS and he can be her assistant this time around! Or her personal errand boy.

I would take that. Let Obamacare take care of his injuries and him living on food stamps.

I miss Colin on the show… They did have an amazing dynamic though, they really were able to sell them being BFFs.

They did one for Felicity and Barry knowing that he'd have his own spin-off and it was just a one-time thing? WOW!

I wish they'd take the whole 'oliver being poor' thing seriously and write an amazing story out of it! Like The Foundry (will they move out?) needing upgrades and Oliver can't afford it. And he needs an apartment now, right? I'd watch the hell out of it.