8Bit has limitations, in colors and how many sprites you can have on screen. I have seen very little developers use the 8 bit model correctly, and my best example is Retro Game Challenge on the DS. This is more reminiscent of those old computer games from the early 90s. It is beautiful nonetheless.
Well I'd be allright if your "Cannon" Peter did "World Of The Physic" on the weekends. He at least wouldn't be running away from GB's like his ass was on fire like Bill did. But i digress. The comic is a great tribute. And i love the spores mold and fungi bit. Nice to see you even put Janine and Louis in there to.
Kinja was stupid, and moved my clicky-spot. I actually aimed at the final panel. The whole thing hit me in the feels, though. :'(
I'm surprised more viewers weren't caught off-guard by how beautiful that sentiment is.
The rest of the comics had no traction after my feels were co-opted by the idea of Venkmanciliation.
Coming soon, Dorkly Presents 12 Years A Pokemon...
they could at least have tried to make the boards less fake looking
"Sprite models" a bit of an oxy-moron, a sprite is a 2D standalone object, when it's in 3D space a sprite is applied to a plane or it's matrix is manipulated to turn it into a bill-board sprite, a model is a 3D mesh with full 3D translation and rotation, you can't have a sprite-model because one is 2D and the other is…
It was written by the creator of Metroid Sakamoto. Team Ninja just made the game and they did a good job.
I'm not a Team Ninja fan, but let's not blame them: the script and characterization of Samus in Other M was all Yoshio Sakamoto. That's been made clear by both sides.
I totally agree with you i just finished Other M a few days ago.
I just dont understand what is the people's problem
Is like people never played Fusion! Much of the stuff is directly taked from Fusion back history where Samus get preety emotional talking to a computer! and no one never says anything about that is…
Oh wow instruction for the random stuff they made on the fly using there instinct.
Yeah, it's bit like what Ninja Theory did with DmC.
They made the character more "down to earth" and realistic, instead of "power fantasy" character that old Dante was. Not that there is anything wrong with power fantasy, it's entertaining. But people seem to totaly miss that.
Sometimes fan-glasses just get too thick.
yep and those games were designed to not depict Samus' personality or emotions.
Put the blame where it belongs, Team Ninja handled the gampleay and little else. They didn't even make the CGI cutscenes.
Except Team Ninja didn't write the game.