
My first thought was that it was going to be Irene Adler!

Hypatia is a noble name. One would hate it as a child and teenager but grow to love it as one aged, I suspect.

fingers crossed

That was a ripping good yarn. Now I shall miss this version of Sherlock all the more. Only one more episode left? Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

This episode was much better than the pilot. I laughed out loud more than once. It kind of has all the good parts of Shameless without the soapy drama to bring it down. The maid describing her high at the rave was truly awesome. I'm surprised no one else commented on what great character she is. And the little guy

I TOTALLY thought that too! That is my first fear when walking through one of those tunnel fish tanks. What would happen if it springs a huge leak? Would we all drown while simultaneously being chomped by sharks? It would have been spectacular, but they probably didn't have the budget for that so they do this other

Upvote on the Zoe D. lookalike.

Which is why I think she's not really dead. She was wearing a vest with a blood squib thingie. Though, you'd think Watson would have felt that when he put his hand on her chest, unless he was also in on it. I just keep going back to her videotape of her repeating "IF I am dead…" and that "Go to Hell" is going to be a

Oh Sherlock, how I have missed you. Even an episode that only rates a C+ (really, clubbers?) was a breath of fresh air after all the reruns and generally crap tv for the last couple of weeks. Also, are we really only getting four episodes? Someone may need to call the wambulance for me. P.S. Somehow I don't think Mary

Am I the only one who is beginning to suspect that Noah's mother's death was less "assisted suicide" and more "muuuuuuurrrrrddddderrrrr"?

P.S. I love you guys, Your wit and humor help get me through a Blue Monday in the deep freeze while the world is ending.

My main problem with season one is that shitty ending; the rest of it was golden. So maybe they could retcon that ending before moving onto another story with Woody and Matt. Just a thought.

Looks like fun, so far. I still like Supernatural and iZombie, so I'm kind of a sap for this stuff. Never got into Vampire Diaries though. Too much soap and not enough snark.


I liked Warren calling Murphy "Powder." Good stuff.

Just wanted to add to the comment count for this show. Hope it gets covered next season.

Bart and the Rowdy Three would definitely be a match made in… heaven?

I can totally relate to Warren's transformation. As much as we might want her to be a hero, she is only human. How many of us could sustain the loss of so many loved ones and keep our best selves intact?

You can replicate that experience in real life. Ever been to a Pentecostal church service?