
snake tattoo girl was there in a frilly dress

Speaking of the church, am I the only one who noticed that snake tattoo girl was in attendance in some "sweet young thing" getup? Another clue as to which timeline this was happening in?

This show is definitely made for binge watching; each half hour goes by so quickly.

That was a thing?


This is the point at which I quit trying to figure the time lines out.

Was I the only one who thought that Maeve called Sylvester a "number 14" and some other comment about Felix being a more advanced model with compassion?

My thoughts exactly. Ghost Facers FTW!

I think it was the character in True Blood that was so insufferable and how she was written and not the actress, but I agree with you.

But wasn't it really Flora who was the final girl?

I'm really liking docs new doo rag hairstyle; it brings out the color of his eyes.

Therapists vary greatly in their approach, but she was a little too obsessed with getting that guy to jump out of a plane. It's a rare therapist who would risk that kind of responsibility and possible lawsuit.

This is a great show, I hope it gets another season.


First of all, why didn't Rick and Co. "Straw Dogs" the shit out of Alexandria? Alternatively, I would've loved to see someone Kaiser Soze Olivia, then while Neagan is processing that turn of events, get the drop on him and mow him down.

I really should have skipped the episode and just read the recap. That was a lot to suffer through just to find out that Lee did kill her husband after all. Why she felt she had to tell their daughter about it is a puzzler though.

Here's a thought: combine "Divorce" with "Stan Against Evil" and just have Thomas Haden Church and John C. McGinley do battle against all those Witchy Divorcees. SJP can guest star in her costume from "Hocus Pocus."

OH snap! Barnett was very good as Renfield. Can't blame the actor then.

Yeah, I keep imagining Matt Smith as Dirk.

At least Ian and Trevor have some sexual chemistry, something sorely lacking in his most recent relationship with that boring dude. It will be interesting to see what happens when Mickey comes back, however briefly. I imagine he has to sign off on the adoption deal and that will be the excuse for his return.