
Upvoted for "beard douche" - kind of a call back to "porch dick".

Well, I was considering paying to see this in the theater and am now convinced to just wait until it is on cable. Does that count?

Disappointing news. I really love the Madea character and the trailers for good spooky fun with her in this film are misleading, I guess. I have found it hard to suffer through a lot of the melodrama in Perry's films in order to delight in the Madea parts, so I am not thrilled to hear he has doubled down on the

Hey now! I really liked this episode. A klepto named Winona who not only channels the actress but her role in Beetlejuice? What's not to like? And Doc's been my favorite since he got the zombie stoned to avoid being bitten while stuck in the elevator shaft.

Yep. I believe that is what he is doing now.

This could just be the Syphilis talking, but I kind of liked the Xander/Faith pairing in that one episode…

I was expecting a little more hilarity and not so much depression… too much like real life for me, but I will give this show a shot until some more of my other shows are back and I just don't have the time for it.

At the very least they should have some gray hats, right?

Thanks for pointing that out. I always thought beema's avatar looked like a brain - now I see the stacked meat instead.

What do you bet Eph's kid is being primed to be the next host of the Master? Glad we haven't had to see him lately, though - because he is THE WORST.

There's a definite "Blade Runner" vibe going on here.

"He licked the wrong stamp."

Or… Tyrell's mother had an affair on the side with Elliot's dad, even though Tyrell was raised by the legal father Swedish man.

It can be two things?

I agree. This is also why I liked the Leftovers. So many WTF moments. I like to be surprised, and so seldom am. I can see plot points coming on most shows from a mile away and often anticipate dialogue and recite it right before a character does. I admit to also wanting an answer or two, when a show ends for good -

interesting perspective - I hadn't considered that

Tyrell Corporation! This could be the Adderall talking, but it all seems to click!

All of those characters you mention definitely have their robotic aspects, except Tyrell - he seems too emotional in comparison, unless he is an upscale model. :D

I had been noticing that the light will often catch Elliot's eye in just the right way that it glows blue and looks robotic. In previous episodes, that is. I even googled the actor to see if he had a glass eye or something. Dun dun dun!

Oh snap! Elliot is a robot into which his "father's" consciousness has been downloaded. Has the series name dropped Blade Runner yet?