
Figma Genji incoming sometime this year.

I have a few Funko Pops (specifically, all the Minions) and what I did was “improve” them by applying coats of various colors of nail polish to make the colors more vibrant and to just generally add accuracy. King Bob’s vinyl was a bunch of fun because not only could I do his eyes (which were flat black in the

I was hoping for smaller versions of those as well. The vinyl stuff is cute, but I’d love some old school Overwatch action figures.

I’ve wanted actual Marvel Legends-esque (in terms of detail and articulation) figures based on those promo statue things since launch! Size them up to 8" scale, add voice clips of their catch phrases, weapon accessories, and stickers in-pack of some of their most popular character-specific sprays, charge $25-30 and

Rorie is by all accounts a great guy, but man, it can be a slog sometimes when he’s forced into a “personality” role due to lack of warm bodies.

I don’t know how to feel about that.

Rorie’s always been an oddball, but some of his appearances (especially in UPFs) are legendary.

Oh boy, this looks familiar. Pretty soon some military nut is going to send them out with war AI chips instead of their regular programming and they’ll gain sentience. A few if the more monstrous ones will be peaceloving and use a 90s kid to help them find a new home.

I posit that the 2nd season was not worse and on a rewatch actually ended up better. Until the very final episode.

Hahah yeah the Crank-A-Kai results are an endless source of frsutration. I’ve got two more medallium seals waiting on the right Crank-A-Kai result to complete.

Its so much more manageable than Pokemon Shuffle. I was really into Shuffle for awhile but had missed so much content there was a lot of catching up to do, and the difficulty ramped too fast at a certain point where you really had to spend coins. The energy system is much more lenient for Yokai Watch Wibble Wobble and

Well if it helps most Wii U games had a nice looking in-game manual

The kid has to learn to take a Pedigree properly if he ever wants to make it in the world.

You heard it from Lewis. He wasn’t hurt, he just had to take a shit. I hear that excuse from my four year old nephew all the time, that’s not unusual.

I don’t really care one way or another about this, the only thing that strikes me about this is that I still don’t understand Paragons hero design.

They’re all just box art characters from graphics cards right? Is that the theme that links them all together?

I don’t know, man; If Gravity Falls were to do some homage/reference/adaptation of Amigara’s Fault... it wouldn’t be that strange.

It’ll be a clicker game. But you splash.

it’s so taboo that’s what makes it hot

The expectation came from Bungie. Before release they talked about how players will create characters that they will take with them from game to game over the course of the next ten years.

Another aspect that has OW players eager for a good Doomfisting is that, though we don’t know his(/her?) gameplay kit, there’s a good chance that Doomfist turns out to be a a tank; more specifically, a tank that provides an alternative to Reinhardt who, despite not being OP at all and barely touched since release in