A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Macbeth, etc etc.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Macbeth, etc etc.
Loneliness is right there on the nerdy side of the normal corner.
I'm mostly around the middle of this graph, but more on the nerd side of things, which actually surprises me a bit.
Wow, the narration in that clip is painfully awful.
They could have trained her to be a butler.
- sorry accidentally posted before I was done -
Sorry pasted wrong place
I fare what you mean by this, deaf people manage to get along just fine, and it's not much of a disability. But then I thought, they're giving him the gift of all the music he'll ever listen to. It's not essential, but it is a nice gift.
Wow. I didn't know it was a thing with a name, but that's it. I don't mind beehives though, because the combs are usually quite evenly spaced. Lotus seed heads on the other hand -ugh!
Oh I've made the mistake of looking up lash mites before, and it's definitely creepy knowing they live on people's faces. But the gross thing here is the randomly spaced spots. I can't explain it, it's a weird thing. They just sicken me.
I wish I hadn't looked at this, it's made me feel sick.
If you want to start with the new series, watch The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances from series one, and see if you like them.
Cool. Thanks for the knowledge.
What happened to Australia's copies of these shows? Classic Doctor Who episodes have been rerun on Australian television every now and then ever since it was originally cancelled, so they must have kept a lot of the tapes. Do you know why some were destroyed or sent back?
A year on Mercury is 88 Earth days, so my math is correct then one Mercurial day is about 1400 Earth hours.
I'm so sorry about your brother. This was very moving to read, thank you for sharing it with us.
I really hope your brother comes through. I was close to someone who was in one of those spirals, and I know how awful it is to only be able to watch helplessly.
I really love these. I wish they were prints.
The clones would be human too.
I didn't know about the remake :(