And Boom Goes the Dynamite

I suppose what surprised me the most from the responses is about the person potentially not existing or not actually being an employee of EA and not about the insane death threats from people. If this person is a fraud, it would be a clever way to bait out the crazies on Twitter for mass banning.

It doesn’t matter if

Wow, how can you breathe with Google’s cock halfway down your esophagus? That’s really impressive.

6. Bernie Sanders.

Ask Ammon Bundy how well that whole armed, organized militia thing worked out.

We can discuss very hypothetical, incredibly unlikely scenarios all we want. It’s fun, but it is completely irrelevant. The US military would end an insurrection (especially if one of their bases somehow managed to get attacked and pillaged) via drones before it even began. I mean, hell, they deployed tanks on

That’s fine and all, but you can’t be “in the military” and start a civil war against your country. You kind of revoke your access to the big guns by pointing them at the owner.

The vast majority of gun owners don’t have any combat training or experience and lack the real big guns. I say bring it. It won’t end well in their favor at all.

People like guns, but you know what people like more than guns? Money. People love money. So, why not ban all automatic weapons, assault rifles, and non-handgun/hunting rifle guns? But, like Australia, we give everyone a grace period to turn them in for money. After the grace period, we implement a bounty system in

Why are you commenting on this story if you don’t like WoW so much? Clearly you are going to have the unpopular opinion here. Go back to whatever shithole forum you came from.

You guys just pretend, by ignorance,or by snobbery, but you only fool yourself.

I got him and Kalec mixed up. All these damn mages look alike.

I think I got Kalec and Rhonin mixed up there. I’m pretty sure her romantic interest at the moment is Kalecgos.

Since when has any game’s cinematics been accurate of their game play?

I don’t think she is evil in this expansion. She is just pissed that the Horde let Varian die (which isn’t accurate), fucked up Gilneas, bombed Theramore killing her current, non-Lich King love interest Rhonin, and killed her dad (which she kind of let happen). I’m not saying she is really right in her anger, but it

I have no issues with teabagging and I feel it is the preferred way to trash talk in game. It’s harmless, it’s funny, and it’s lighthearted, compared to being racist/sexist and using slurs or spamming the mic. It also can lead to some pretty memorable rivalries with random people.

You can’t bury and hide BitCoins in your yard from the government, so us Americans are not interested.

Edgy hot take.

This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god!

This a thousand times over. It was marketed inaccurately (remember the “scariest movie you’ll ever see” hype?), it was slow, and it was, well, boring. The Witch wasn’t a bad movie. The acting was superb, the atmosphere was fantastic, and the shots were expertly done. What it wasn’t was a horror movie. It was an art