Zombies Ate My Police Horse

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

um. uh. I. oh my.

Good doggo. 14/10.

I’m moving to another state tomorrow and one of my dogs, Charlie, isn’t going with me right away. Earlier, I couldn’t find Charlie after searching all of his usual haunts. I finally found him curled up under my bed. My poor pupper knows something’s up.

cute...almost gets me as much as my two cats. little buggers are always in the same room i am, makin shit cute:

He put her in that position as an act of nepotism, NOT because he values her opinions (I guess unless it has something to do with what the kids these days like, and only then if it isn’t actively something he already hates). He put her there for her own benefit, not his. Hell, if I could snap my fingers and put MY

She is by far and away the most dangerous person in the White House next to Bannon. She, unlike her brothers, is smart and brand self aware. She is careful to manager and groom her brand and not publicly say something too stupid.

She deserves every bit of this after the racist bs she pulled with the birther movement

If she’s having a positive influence, then Abaddon - The Destroyer of Worlds, is now the President.

May I suggest a dingleberry of assholes?

How about a taint of assholes?

A trump of assholes.

Hmm, I would prefer “Maggot Pit of Flaccid Weens.” I get that you’re invoking the concept of egocentrism, but I don’t like sullying the good vibes of a word so closely associated with the LGBTQIA* community.

Judging from the publicity photos, Gillian Anderson will be popping up pretty soon as Lucy Ricardo.

I feel like a “murder of assholes” unfairly maligns the noble crow.

A group of skunks is called a Surfeit.

A “pucker” of assholes?

Might I suggest “clump?”

Is it a passel, a murder, a flock, or a herd of assholes?

I felt the same way. I remember the book as being subtle and slowly developing it’s themes. But big ticket TV shows these days, especially on pay channels, seem to be competing to be more shocking, more in your face, more bloody, more beat you over the head with every idea, until I just don’t want to watch.