
Makes so much sense

Can we all agree that anne rice is a fucking spastic loon

Blastocyst, Zygotes, embryos and fetuses are not human beings.



No she's snarky not lazy

you're confusing snark with "lazy writing"

Thank you

Thank you Megyn!

Oh dear

Please educate yourself on the birth of modern medicine specifically the importance of unbiased data collecting, double blind control studies and the difference between science and pseudoscience

"Conception is the only point of genesis in human existence. Done."

No women should have the right to a safe legal abortion because you think it's wrong


It's probably a mystery to you why the american medical association, the american pediatric association, the american association of obstetricians and the world health organization all support abortion being legalized and accessible...... Probably because they hate babies....right

So is legalized abortion.

I experience insomnia frequently and I understand that frustration and feeling of panic that comes when you realize that dawn is breaking.

Hospitals don't issue death certificates for miscarriages

Tanning is dangerous

I know....right!