It still under performed their projections, which hurt their Quarterly/Yearly earnings.
It still under performed their projections, which hurt their Quarterly/Yearly earnings.
How about CD Project / Witcher 3 DLC?
The problem with that is that you quickly fracture the player base. Also, they make a killing off selling the year long expansion passes, as people are roped in for a year. Compared to those people who might pick up one for $15 and decided they have had enough.
Obviously you had trouble with reading in school...
The made one decent game and then cashed out.
The kid is saying the right things, but I don’t believe he will risk his potential NBA career. As a scout/GM you gotta love the desire to play and help the team, but you also have to be terrified he hurts himself again. Backs are no joke.
Use flash bombs - made with flash bugs - they knock that thing out of the sky and you can get a bunch of hits before it gets up.
What is my bad decision? You think I own the game? I never said I want to get the game and put myself in that situation. I want more coverage of the shitty P2W micro-transaction system that EA thought they could put in the AAA SW game and people would be ok with it. They simply removed the feature and are putting it…
Thanks for the snarky reply. I was simply asking for continued pressure on them for selling loot boxes that have a game play advantage. Does it matter how unfair it feels? If its still P2W or any game play advantage then its bullshit. They should never be more than cosmetics that allow for post release content to be…
Loot boxes that could be bought with cash that offered gameplay advantages. They were removed prior to launch after players who got the game early reported on them. They are adding them back in the game to be able to be bought with cash once again.
I get that its not breaking news, but this part of the problem. A big deal was made of it during the launch that forced change, if this same pressure continued from video game sites and gamers alike it could force continued change, imo. Instead we let them get a free pass for putting it back in the game without any…
Dead Space 1 & 2, ME 1-3, and Battlefield are the only EA games that delivered IMO.
Why haven’t you said anything about SW:BF2 adding loot boxes back in the game? It was announced during the same conference. The site made a big stink about it during the launch and now nothing...
PS4 players - Add me.
they are not buildable. they probably found a bunch in chests and off all the people they killed. They are all spike traps now and can be placed on every wall, in any direction now. They took out the other styles of traps.
i don’t really understand what there is to like about yoyoma. god its a horrible person.
The reason I have no issue supporting the game in its early access period and even spending money on skins for BR is that Epic has been super open and upfront about the game since I started paying attention in September. Every time something breaks, doesn’t feel right, isn’t balanced, or anything else - they always…
oh man that looks awesome. I was kinda hoping that it wouldn’t be so limited.
Socom 2: US Navy Seals (online of course)