
Well you sound like an idiot Trumper who has pretty much drank the Trump Cult Kool-aid.  Get a life.

I guess you missed this sentence: “Also if you didn’t need the mount, you could choose not to get them and save a grand.” 

If they would have charged $6000...hell, they could have charged $6200 and threw in the vesa mount also and no one would have minded. Also if you didn’t need the mount, you could choose not to get them and save a grand. To me this is like charging a million dollars for a Bugattti, yet for the million you don’t get a

Well I didn’t by an Amazon camera so there is that.

What a snowflake Meghan is. Gets asked a challenging question and then wants to speak to the manager of the restaurant show.

I just requested a meeting to @jack since I dropped a couple of followers and wanted to know what he was going to do about it. I would also prefer if he comes to my house, since I have work to do running the country.

I bought a $20 dollar bidet that attached to your current toilet and seat and was instantly convinced.  Just this year upgraded one of my toliets with the Toto Washlet C200 (which I will note is the Wirecutter’s choice of bidet) and definitely fell in love with it.  Highly recommend anyone who is on the fence spend

A lot of American citizens treat it that way though, so you can think it is stupid if that is what you think, but that doesn’t change the reality.

I just set this up since I have the Chamberlain MyQ in my garage. The only thing I wish these companies would figure out, there are multiple companies that make smart home products. I have a Nest cam in my garage and nope can’t use that, instead need to by a second $114 dollar Amazon camera if I want the camera

But you do realize, refunds for these people are a savings account that they expect pretty much every Feb-April.  I understand your point that the government is holding their money interest free, but most people are pretty crappy at savings and most savings account aren’t paying enough to make much of a difference.

Nvidia Shield TV was definitely a pretty nice purchase, so nice I added 4 more to my house...including a travel one.

In 2017 I received a $2201 federal refund with work expenses/home interest/property taxes. In 2018 I received $1944 in extra pay from the tax cut payroll tax reduction. I owe $46 dollars in after doing my taxes for 2018 so I figure I am down $302 from the previous year. Also my property taxes jumped $599. So

First Man, pass, wasn’t that impressed with it. Ralph Breaks the internet is an excellent movie and a definitely a worthwhile watch (make sure to watch through the credits and the final scene). Can’t comment on the Favourite since I have not seen that one.

Hoses a small minority of people? Are you kidding me? If you make 10 million dollars a year, you pretty much can do whatever the hell you want. Just an FYI, that is $192,307 a week before taxes that you would have to make before you have to pay the 70% tax rate she proposing on extra above that.

Now can Instagram use these same lessons, since their sorting method completely sucks.

Nope, not a cult at all. Have you drank the poisoned Kool-Aid yet?  #Cult45 

I was using Downcast, but after purchasing a Sonos One speaker discovered the only podcast app that would work with that, or the only one I could find, was Pocket Casts.  Since moving to that product have been really happy with it plus it works on multiple platforms and keeps sync with what you have listened to.

All leading stocks sold off on Oct 10th, and I have been in cash since that day. I believe this sell off isn’t just a small blip but a longer correction being all three indexes are below their 50 and 200 day moving averages.

Just shared this on my twitter account, sadly still relevant today. #RIPStanLee #StanLee