Isadora Basson

His constant need to yell stupid shit out so she wouldn't hear them was the best.

This episode was back to being great, although really most of this season has been stellar. This steady build up to all these disasters created a sense of dread and tension, constantly waiting for everything to blow up. One of the most impressive things about this show and this episode in particular is how it can be

She said when they started years ago but they hadn't been together for a while, so presumably he got more into it then. Also she said that he got into it enough to want to have a wiccan officiate.

She continues to amaze me every week as she does so many different things, and well, and always charming.

Everyone constantly not believing Liv when she told them she did his autopsy was great.

Another thing I like about Ravi, he instantly recognizes that what he did wasn't great and stops.

Solid extras reference.

They had really great chemistry in this episode that really reinforced why he would wan to be with her again. I'm also really happy they're giving Peyton more to do so we actually get a sense of who she is and why Liv loves her so much.

If anyone doesn't love Ravi they're crazy. He's perfection, adorable and funny. So his plan of video games and medical examiner worked, at least on me.

Clive turning down Liv's card trick after seeing Ravi so excited was perfect.

I think the magician jokes landed a lot more for me. The episode had a couple weaker points but I enjoyed this personality a lot and the effect it had on Major. Also basically everything Blaine did was amazing in large part due to David Anders delivery, nbd. I especially enjoy when he tries to have a rapport with Liv

I really like the point you make especially comparing her to Peter because he also does a lot of questionable things. Just this episode he talks about how he would take up-skirt pictures of women and that inspired him to be a obgyn, that's crazy but his competency isn't really questioned.

Also I loved the entire scene where Josh was trying to quit and make a big exit. Instead of something more predictable, and that netflix has had such an impact on so many lives.

I also loved Arnold later watching the movie like his grandfather, it was a nice touch.

Grandma was basically the best. Seeing her get to sing at the end, and knowing she would have to go to the hime where she feels trapped so soon was sad but true.

Also this episode isn't about pointing fingers or having everything fixed at the end like most shows would do. Instead it shows the viewers a bit of what it's like to live life as a woman, instead of a very special episode.

ANSI's delivery again made that bit even better.

Is Denise ever not the best? I could watch an entire show of her adventures.

Not only was it funny, but also shows that women move on from this stuff happening in their lives because it's so commonplace you can't live your life if you dwell on it.

Arnold and that couch was hilarious. It went on for a while and I could have watched so much of him just rolling around and rejoicing in this couch.