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But isn’t Vegeta also afraid of Bulma? So... I think Vegeta and Ronda Rhousa are perfect for each other.

Yesterday LoL had a game forfeited due to DDoS during one of their qualification game. Perhaps there is a more sinister common enemy afoot. Perhaps the most “casual” MOBA is prepared to play the hardest ball.

I doubt it was anyone from LoL. I play Dota 2, but I speak to a lot of people from LoL, and while we might not usually like each others’ games, we do have respect for each other and want the eSports community to grow.

I think you forgot the qualifier “N64” in the headline.

The real joke is that Microsoft owns Rare and it has to use games from another Era and on another Console to show that they used to be allowed to make great games.

To be fair, Nintendo’s not the only one with issues dealing with it’s back catalog of games. Capcom, Konami (Who doesn’t give a shit anyway because they make tons), Square Enix all have massive, massive back catalogs of games that people would throw money at to play, but refuse to assign the six people it would take.

So what exactly is the point of this article? To shit on Nintendo...? To mock them for not buying Rare? You guys already talked about how awesome Rare Replay is in your review, so I don’t feel like this post was really necessary.

Who won?! YOU decide!!

I just feel so bad for Itagaki, I know he’s a bad person but he’s one of the developers that puts himself really into development not unlike Kojima or Sakurai

Goodbye integrity, hello authoritarian-sanctioned blockbuster.

Game Freak’s other “not Pokemon” game. It’s awesome and you should play it.

This game is so wet and shiny. Packed right next to each other, the screenshots almost start to look oily and gross, like they’re all covered in Crisco. Ew.

And there he goes, Satoru Iwata with his bunch of bananas. May he rest in peace.


God, I wouldn’t even be mad if you fessed up and said it was a prank...

Unlucky or....