
And Turtle Rock has the right as an American company to fire you for supporting such foolishness.

Who knew WW3 started on Kotaku? Weird huh

Yeah I saw but was just saying I've seen screenshots of the Wii U version and it looks great as well. Mainly said it for the people that think the Wii U version is going to look like crap.

You're taking this way too seriously and I love it.

Ah, Americans. Confirming stereotypes every day.

Well... I already lighted my torch. What the hell am I supposed to do with it now? Just let it burn out?

Nah it's 720p at 30fps for the Wii U and this has been said before by the devs and also I'm in WMD.

This is some uncanny valley shit right here...

I almost picked it up about a month ago for the extra Wiimote. Super glad I held off now. Plus I'll get the points for the digital deluxe promotion. So thrilled.

Yes, good, immortalize your dickery.

Seperated at birth? (jk)

The reason they didn't decompose is that not even Planet Earth wants them.

It's at least a few hours longer than the stock version. I actually haven't run into a low battery issue with it yet, unless I forgot to dock the gamepad since the last time.

Where is Kenny Baker in this shot? Wait he isn't inside R2-D2 in that box is he? Talk about commitment

Someone had to say it.

Ah, damn autocorrection! I meant buried of course.

So when are they going to start filling the holes with Xbones?

"Did anyone hear that?"