
Someone make them fill the hole with Xbones.

My virgin eyes! D:

tell that to Microsoft, not me. I have first hand experience of living in a "rural area" I live about 1 mile past the city limits..... Want to know what services I get..... Telephone and electricity. I was pist when I heard what Microsoft was trying to do... My xbox 360 will be the last console I buy from them. Ever

It's biting her pistol. She'll probably beat it with the multipass.

They need to make room for the Xbox Ones.


Well, that just dropped the value of anybody who as the game from -100 to -101.

oh you mean new artists in Canada. so you probably just mean Bieber. =)

the person (me) posting this...

What a Freaky Alien Genotype

Little Green!

Good Read!


Forgot that was out next month, finally a reason to dust off the wii U

Forgot that was this month, well I guess I will finally have a reason to turn the thing on again.

The best kind.

GTAV had dogs.

Did he also call the WAAmbulance?

Xbox One, available in Japan for 499 yen. That's right, you heard MS right: 499 yen. That'll get Japan going! A next-gen console so cheap, they couldn't possibly ignore it!