
I don't know why I'm so attracted to the Psycho one. Why am I attracted to the Psycho one. I have no idea. It feels wrong...and yet so right.

To be honest, all of Nintendo's DLC so far has been extremely well done. Far superior than most developers.

Sounds par for the course for most DLC bundles like season passes. How has Nintendo changed things for you?

*Hears the Glitch Police sirens a mile away*

Reminds me of 2004.

Yeah. There were some others, such as some so-so HD collections or less quality games I've played, but I obviously didn't list those because they aren't really stuff I would buy a system for.

Considering who's the one drowning in debt I say it's more likely to happen the other way around.

Can't argue with that last bit. I think you're right about where the confusion is coming from on both sides.

I get your point but in this case, I'm not sure I see much distinction. I don't think a Wii-U customer who was promised a copy of Watch Dogs has any reason to be less frustrated by Ubisoft delaying/cancelling that game than an xb1 owner has to be frustrated by Activision similarly not living up to something they

That's a reasonable explanation. But do you see what we're saying about the differences? For the record, I never ascribed this to malice (you're so nice!). If anything (aside from your explanation) it seems to me that there's an assumption of failure of the Wii-U so a cancellation/delay doesn't warrant as much

What the hell are you talking about? People flipped when Watch Dogs was delayed.

I'm guessing it had to be put on hold because the X1 version's Kinect functionality was resulting in injuries, as mere humans are not flexible enough to perform the Spider-Man-like actions it required.

Safe for work version.

naked and horny jennifer connelly, megan fox, and natalie portman in a locked hotel room lying on top of a gigantic pile of cocaine.

Respect. Sounds like a cool kid.

Every day some bullshit headline on the internet tells me to BE AMAZED or I WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED or THIS WILL MOVE YOU. You never are, and you never do.