
Yeah, everyone knows that to cosplay a "Lumberjack" you need to wear red and black plaid, suspenders, and tuque... and a beard.

Double negatives make me sad.

Welcome to Zoolander the MMO, where everyone is Ridiculously good looking

efist bump.

No. She has all the talent and emotionl range of Kristen Stewart (and by proxy, a dish towel). In fact, they should do a buddy movie together. They could call it Sisterhood of the Traveling Bland. 90 minutes of blank stares and confused looks punctuated with near monotone dialog. Thrilling.

Jennifer Lawrence as Sailor Moon would be AMAZING

The next mod is a ticket dispenser. The longer the drift, the more tickets come out. Save them up and trade them in for a prize!

Note : Satire.

The epitome of ready bodiness

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ALL HAIL VIRTUAL BOY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Did we just replace *mindBLOWN*?! I feel like we just did.

Because everyone knows we need more zombie games...

As a Latvian I approve of the idea that beer makes hockey better, our team only plays drunk.

Nothing about the new systems are next gen. Their graphics are what PCs have been doing for the last 3 or 4 years and NOTHING had changed with the game play. Just look at Second Son. Yea, it's pretty looking and runs great, but it's the same old boring and repetitive game play we've had for the last 15 some years.

not to mention willful destruction of private property, and depending on the value of the property, a felony


sonic: the only character that can outrun a cucoo invasion.

This is almost Banderas-ing