
Harambe died mere minutes after everybody pulled out their cell phones. Coincidence?

I don’t believe that Jill Stein is anti-vaccine, and anyone who accuses her of having ever said she is anti-vaccine is saying something false. However, her responses on vaccines have been troubling in that they contain a lot of dog whistling to the anti-vaccine crowd, including statements that are deliberately

She’s a paranoid conspiracy theory nut job on many levels it seems.

Homeopathy is water. Not even sugar water. Water.

She may pander to anti-vaxxers, but she’s solidly in favor of our current vaccination regimen.

The point is that this kind of bat-shittery can be indicative of other thought patterns.

Here’s the thing though. Jill Stein is selling herself as the principled candidate for people who want to vote their conscience.

Many Clinton supports know our vote is a pragmatic choice for the least bad option. And that’s fine.

If you’re already in a position to rationalize your vote for a person who thinks

Wi-fi can melt steel beams.

I have a friend supporting Stein and says Hillary has to earn his vote. Like Stein gets it by default because Bernie lost in the primary but the reasonable person has to earn it!

The thing is, she’s not wrong about the relentless rent-seeking that corporate America is pushing through our public school system. But then she goes and torpedoes that valid point with paranoid nonsense about wifi giving the kids brain cancer.

Instead of using your protest vote to help Trump, when Stein has no realistic way to the white house (nor the qualifications to serve as President), why not use it to support town ticket Green Party candidates for lower offices?

So, best case scenario- she is trying to attract facebook moms that believe in whack shit and like to spread said whack shit like fertilizer until little shit flowers bloom in her mommy blogger comment boards.

I was ready to quit after reading about 7yr old/70yr old Trump but I pressed on. I deeply regret that.

Anytime anyone calls out his lying, either he or his supporters start loudly ranting about “JUST LIKE HILLARY LIKE ABOUT BENGAZI!!!!!!!!”, and somehow this justifies everything.

One reason is that the lies don’t stop so if the people holding you accountable are always scrambling to keep up with the lies it all becomes white noise. I mean, remember when he was outed as acting as his own PR guy? I mean, wtf?!?!

I don’t know if he’s a malignant narcissist or a sociopath or a psychopath, but whatever he is, he’s always been like that. You should read the Washington Post story in which he’s quoted as follows: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” the 70-year-old presumptive

You know that once this election is over, if Donald loses, she’s history.

A friend of mine that works in hotel real estate biz in NY said that’s his “thing.” He lies so constantly and so blatantly, blowing everything way out of proportion, it has become almost an endearing quality...(not like endearing but like expected and tsk tsk). I 100% see that.

Ding ding ding. I dated one of those and the similarities between him and Trump are chilling. When I found hard, written out evidence that he cheated, he kept denying it and saying I was so “psycho” that I couldn’t process information correctly.