
Jill Stein seems to be a candidate with literally no integrity. She complains of electoral malfeasance by the Democrats than tells Bernie she’d happily hand over the Green Nomination (which she only has presumptively won thus far).

Yeah, pretty much that’s the reason I started digging a bit deeper into her positions. And then I realized that she’s genuinely an awful person, and I started reading her Twitter feed and looking at other statements she’s made, and she went from “Well, I’m sure she’s a perfectly lovely leftie” to “Jesus Christ, this

Cynical viewpoint (from someone who wishes like hell the Green Party was a viable option): she can’t come out and say vaccines are terrible because the science isn’t on her side and she’d never be taken seriously, but she can’t afford to say they’re not because she’d alienate the hippy granola crowd who are her base.

This is the candidate you have the luxury of nominating when you have no chance of winning the election. And it’s candidate you have the luxury of voting for when you know the fallout of a Trump presidency will land primarily outside of your comfy upper-middle-class progressive bubble.

I can’t stand Jill Stein. She is an arrogant obnoxious opportunist who spends all of her time on Twitter bashing Hillary Clinton by repeating Republican talking points. When she said she would give up her spot to Bernie I lost all respect for her. She valued her position so little that she was willing to step aside

The “Green” Party

Yeah fuck dat. Anti science bullshit is bullshit on either side of the aisle.

Here is a COMPLETE list of ALL the real questions about vaccines:

I was seriously considering voting for Jill Stein since I know my state will be blue but this lost my vote. You are a medical doctor, you of all people, should understand how vaccine testing works.

It’s popular among a certain segment of establishment-wary liberals to say that it’s not that vaccines are unsafe, necessarily, but that the Food and Drug Administration oversees them The FDA and other federal regulatory agencies can’t be fully trusted, that argument goes, and so vaccine safety is called into

Any doctor that vacillates (and especially on record) on something as basic as vaccines should be stripped of their license for spreading misinformation. Her statements ar shameful, not just for a physician but also for someone who aspires to be able to set forth policy that could affect millions of folks.

Yep. Hell her supporters are damn good at doublethink too. One I know was complaining we weren’t going to get real progressivism from Hillary (fair enough, he’s from very liberal part of CA, his idea of progress differs from this FL gal’s in that he doesn’t know how radical it seems to the rest of the nation), though

She’s also anti-nuke and pro-all-the-GMO-nonsense. Even if she had a real shot at winning this and ensuring that Trump doesn’t get elected wasn’t vitally important, her policy preferences and the Green Party platform are reason enough to not vote Green.

I got in the middle of a FB thread about 3rd party voting and cited her wishy-washiness on vaccines and I got several semi-heated responses and I quickly punched out of that thread because I’m too fucking old for social media squabbles

Oh good! I mean I didn't need a reason to vote for Clinton but it's good to know that just in case I did, there is no viable alternative. Anti vaccine and anti gun control are two positions that can drive me to a red eyed fury faster than just about anything so thanks so much for clarifying your position Dr. Stein!

I can't take this woman seriously if she doesn't support mandatory vaccines. Vaccines are one of my hardlines.

And she thinks she will just use executive orders to get all her shit done. She really said that. I’m sure she’d go all Anti GMO and cause a huge food problem too.

Just. Vote. Clinton.

Her response to the same question during her Reddit AMA a few months ago was just as incoherent. At least she is consistently inconsistent.

I think she’s a total quack. When I started reading about her after the Bernie or Bust crowd started fawning all over her, I saw her use the phrase “Big Pharma,” saw her wishy washy stance on vaccines, and found out that she’s all about homeopathy and went NOPE. Fuck no. You’re supposed to be an actual doctor and you