
as much as i love socrates, there's a reason they killed 'im.

is minyak is a corruption of maniac, as the first film title suggests?

ULTRA BOY! (who has the less troublesome penetra-vision, which allows him to see through lead)

supes don't poop. kryptonian super genetics. nuff sed.

too late. the recent reboot changes the costume.

it doesn't get to 'em, anyway - it's stolen by the (literal) fat (no longer literal) cats at the (literal, again) top of the food chain, making them stupid and short lived? COINCIDENCE?! yes.

well, more emaciated people fit in the same space!

yeah, i noticed that and deleted the comments, but they didn't go away, it seems.

the schedule shows he went to bed at one in the morning.

the schedule shows he went to bed at one in the morning.

what method do you use for marijuana intake? i would think smoking would aggravate the situation.

does no one else get a bit of a mad scientist thrill from this?

"While he was on the moon, Jameson found the mystical Godstone, an other-dimensional ruby. The jewel grafted itself to his throat and extended tendrils through his body. Moonlight activated the gem, which transformed him into the lycanthropic Man-Wolf,[2] and he fought Spider-Man in this bestial form. The ruby was

aw. i think it's cute.

works for me.

thank you.

how does that stuff taste? dr. bronner used to recommend his soap for tooth brushing. bleagh.

i find that face more creepy than angry, but i was just diagnosed with autism, so what do i know?

if i recall correctly, hugo danner's career in "politics" was an attempt to fight corruption, which is to say crime, as a vigilante, that was abandoned in despair of the leviathan that is realpolitik. no one man, however mighty, can single-handedly (even two-fistedly!) fight humanity's desire for power at any cost.

i think "innocent" question might be a better way of putting it.