
the horror. the very idea makes me itchy.

@uneasy rhetoric: are not citizens of democracies at least PART of the government?

worry when she cancels her birth control pills.

@pestifieds_gettin_the_band_bac...: i wondered why he was so interested in a quiet person.

i like it, but i don't really see the point of it.

i know the aticle is (at least partly) in jest, BUT...

@outuendo: gotta find THAT article!

@berkng: have you some evidence to inform your guess that teaching a child an artificial (or "fake", as you put it) language "will always hold them back"? my own evidence to hand is anecdotal, but it leads me to imagine quite the opposite is true. i, and many other children, develop personal languages and/or learn

pietro's speed lines should be one solid lightcycle line, no?

@theotherwhiteboy: he may well have salvaged it from precisely there - incidentally keeping it out of a landfill and the water table.

@Flail: i suspect it's because they should occur infinitely in an infinite universe, and thermodynamics would seem to prevent there being enough of the required energy, though that may only be in a closed system. perhaps equally likely: i have no idea what i'm talking about.

@The Lab: an excellent analogy. thank you.