
Pardon me?

Why must you tease me with that Aloy thumbnail and then announce some garbage Monster Hunter game.

No Supra? No MR2? Not a single Toyota ?

I just avoid women altogether. Can’t get in trouble that way.

Aaaand we can purchase this where?

My favorites were the ‘Underground/Carbon’ style games with heavy modifying and street races.

Maybe they found the ‘solution’ to the Always-on vitriol

Pardon me ? Root around for my 3DS charger?

I’ve been meaning to go back and play Fallout 4's survival/hard mode, but this might take priority.

I’ve always loved the series (minus the prime games), and I even enjoyed Other M, in spite of it’s story flaws, but I’ve been pretty disappointed by Samus Returns so far. The parry mechanic is too intrusive.

I know you’re probably being sarcastic, but I agree nonetheless.

Considering the console was complete with cables and controllers, I’d put my money on angry parent/girlfriend throwing it out.

You mean they fixed the terrible combat system from the first game? I might actually end up finishing this one.

I don’t want to grow up...

Really? This guy doesn’t understand the difference between a mammal and a reptile?

I’m familiar with these 2.5D low budget remakes. From what I’ve read of it, I’m willing to bet large amounts of money that it won’t be as good as the original.

No. Play the original. This remake will not compare. Play the original first, and if you like it, play the remake, but do not play the remake first. It’ll ruin it.

Puzzle Dragons x Super Mario Bros?