
A new video with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan? It’s a good day.

Going along with what you said, I think Jon is finding a balance between honor and compromise/practicality that is more forward-thinking than a lot of people are comfortable with. Ned and Robb weren’t incapable of compromise, just that their moral and ethical compasses were not very flexible. (Except when it suited

Look, if his High Holiness, GRRM, deems something worthy of pages of exposition, it should be in the show. LOTR should have had four more hours of walking in it. Also, if Davos doesn’t talk about soup for ten minutes this season, I’ll be very disappointed.

OP also doesn’t give him enough credit for resourcefulness. Jorah gets shit done.

I’ll take those odds.

It was an exposition episode. Gotta set shit up. And I think this episode was probably the only place they could fit any breathing room.

I don’t think any of those guys woke up in the morning.

They prefer to call it a “medical research facility”. And sure! He left Essos before the rest of Team Targaryen.

Any sort of filming is strictly forbidden. There are no gifs to post.

And it’s a funny show.

My hype is already terrible because of GoT. Now this. Only one hype train at a time, please!


I’d argue it would be out of character for Bucky “I am a liability to myself and everyone around me” Barnes as well. (Though I’m assuming he’s got all his crayons back in the box by this point.)

Everyone always gets a new suit.

I just don’t understand how universities have first crack at (alleged) crimes against students in the first place. A student is raped, she/he goes to the police to report the attack. It’s a crime. It’s a person. Therefore, police.

That and vegetable gum. Some guar, yes.

Oh, is he a Secret Gay, too?! I know shit about him. Just interesting seeing as husband #1 is also a supposed Secret Gay.

I found it to be perfectly acceptable. Is it Blue Bell or B&J (#hottake #overrated)? No. Gotta let it sit and even then the texture isn’t as dense. But the flavor is good enough if you’re trying to compromise.

For what it’s worth, there aren’t any softeners in Halo Top so it does have a tendency to get super hard.