
To be fair, C-Pine looks great with a beard.

See, I think R’hllor is himself a Luciferian figure. Less the benevolent father and more the sweet-talker.

I can’t be the only one who looks at the faith of R’hllor and thinks, “Ya know who this guy kinda reminds me of? Lucifer.”

Hay! It’s Facebones!

Meanwhile I have no money to buy supplies for my classroom. I think I’ll go eat a gun for dinner.

I’m thinking of three letters...

That almost looks like Glamdring next to it.

It is an ex fish.

*gasp* No!

Oh, good call! I’ll put money down on that.

More like his swol! AM I RIGHT?!?!?

I feel this is one of those situations where the reply should have more stars than the original comment.

Re: #10

I don’t mean ambiguous in terms of type or parameters. They are friends. Full stop. But the origins of the friendship and their shared are experience are left intentionally nebulous. That is what I meant.

Agreed. And I just didn’t understand why it was necessary. Does romance have to be in every MCU film? I like her ambiguous but close relationship with Clint. Her interactions with Steve in Cap 2 and 3 were fantastic. I don’t mind the pairing, I just don’t get why it needed to be a thing that happened.

I’m down for that.

I don’t remember everything that was said but the air of exclusivity rubbed some people the wrong way. There was also some discussion about why audiophiles would stream music, regardless of how good the quality was. Oh, and rich people wanting money.

This account goes against others that I’ve read. They all say she entered the intersection in green and was waiting to turn left. I’d like to read any alternate versions you might know of.

Okay, let me rephrase:

Pulling a “Chuck Cunningham” would have been a sloppy move. But I think this is overestimating how much we care about anyone from Dorne at this point. “Getting into the nitty-gritty” likely means “we’ll be killed off quickly so we’re out of the way.”