
I imagine it will be pretty easy for her to find a reason to reinstate trial by combat.

This is awful. And I love it.

One of my favorite things about Martin’s writing is his handling of prophecy and how ambiguous and prone to bias they are. Cersei assumes the Valonqar would be Tyrian because that’s what she wants to assume. (Though maybe she’s starting to eyeball Jaime, also.) But it could be neither of her brothers. It might not

Holy fuck I share a birthday with Beyoncé’s twins. Move the fuck over, M.C. Escher.

I think the Bravos stuff went on too long. I think the whole Lady Crane thing could have been scrapped, or replaced the death merchant guy, or something. Get her back into Westeros earlier in season 6 and get her back to Winterfell early season 7. Then she can finish her list and (maybe) die.

You’re 1 for 4 on your first sentence.


Oof! I’ll never forget watching RotK for the first time and my jaw hitting the floor when Pippin sings for Denethor. It was such a deep, tragic moment in the trilogy and that song - fuck! So good.

Favorite Bond song and one of my favorite Chris Cornell songs, period.

Freddie is the answer to most questions, really.

I believe Varys is clean shaven.

I went from “Yeah, Beric is an okay dude.” to “Fuck. Yes. Roast some ice fuckbois!” in one instant.

Now playing

Alt Shift X is the best for discussion and analysis. Might I suggest Ozzy Man as a spirited accompaniment?

It seemed that way in season 4.

I’m kinda drunk and emotional right now and I love Apollo 13 so hard. So this is totally fine. I’m fine. It’s fine.

“ ‘nem” is the best colloquial contraction ever. Thank you for sharing.

I swore those were pot leaves and not cactuses for a second.

“...with the help of Sherlock co-creators and producers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.”


Such a great show!