
so torn right now

yeah, non-whites

these are the same types that think they just need a bigger umbrella as the 1% keeps pissing on them

keeping my expectations so low on this one

youre giving faygoites way too much credit

awful & racist, yes, stupid & vapid, maybe and no. its the latter two theyre pandering to and they did an awful good job of it nationally in 2016 and statewide for years

this is one of those topics i can never hope to understand but the google image search results for that gif almost killed me

birds are dinosaurs and we’re all in trouble

thats not what was said but since you cant comprehend anything beyond whats fed to you by racebaiting nationalists im not surprised

lol i know numbers are hard but if you try maybe one day youll understand them

username combo means cant help but snicker sry

wow this is perfect

/acknowledges tipped fedora

DOUBLE LOL your story about a single incident from over a decade ago is half about a black man wrongly imprisoned for 26 years. it’s almost like youre idiotically trying to sabotage your own narrative about blek krime the way rush limbaugh talks tough on criminals except when he’s the one illegally buying drugs. youre

lol i post cdc stats and you post “stop fucking lying”

lol as if kinjaing the finer points of star wars ranks you that much higher

I love it when idiots use fresh troll accounts and then even use sources that undermine their own arguments. Like leading with “coverup of black crime!” and then posting a source w a headline of “4 Black Suspects Charged in Videotaped Beating of White Teenager”. Or claiming black on Asian crime is a problem and then

post + handle = gold

i am tickled i know what the article photo is from, if not the exact name

yeah how do you live in nyc but have not learned to be discreet w sensitive trash