
read that Atlantic article about psychopath kids

too soon!

So many mouthbreathers leaving negative reviews in the wake of the new crate system just because of the broken promise in regards to purely cosmetic microtransactions and not the quality of the game (which granted has many flaws). It’s the epitome of entitled gamer douchebaggery.

jim crow? i can’t remember the last time they didnt reach back to slavery

i almost died the first time my daughter showed me this

love (or at least a huge chunk of it) is recognizing that strange dichotomy between annoyance with your own body’s imperfections, and the comfortable familiarity with and not being bothered in the slightest by your partner’s.

roger staubach?

culture not nature

whenever I receive TJ gift cards from students (i count myself very fortunate every time) I’m always surprised how they last through multiple trips

share the wealth yo

threw up in my mouth a little

threw up in my mouth a little



going out on a limb but this guy has been rejected by black women (among others) before

jesus not just tonedeaf but tonedead

ehhh, dont look at the fucking thing breaks down when its kids stuck in their classrooms, and when its something truly horrid, say like the current potus

wut. making tracer a lesbian is something that is going to go over the head of 80% of ppl

i hope they break out the “if you don’t like it, leave”

dollars to donuts (hyuk) their station has a private channel where they share this shit all the time

thats sad

hell is wrong w you