
holy airbrushed photo batman

then ytf are you here

+1 sump dump pump

diff dog tho right

you aint had the right mayo is all

waiting w bated breath for Claire’s all-McD’s makeup tutorial

the tradeoff to getting shitty pay as an educator is the ability to dress casual

username checks out

unwillingness to accept guilt


I won my 3rd match I ever played by being sneaky and positional and it didn’t at all diminish the desire to try out new stuff. But you can’t deny there’s joy in competing, Alfie Kohn.

this is the best hot take

mexican albino what

steakback outhouse

you pay w checks dont you

thx for the visual AIDS

they’re not tho. just ppl who value cars over human life

how the fuck would someone who cant even spell the name of the site theyre not on be familiar with its narrative

Valve also used to not let you refund anything. I dunno what to tell people who can’t handle the responsibility of doing their own research before they buy something cheap on Steam.

the paint dry one wasn’t allowed; dev snuck it onto the store