
I found an even cheaper way to predict what I look like. I call this remarkable device a “mirror”.

Unless someone is incredibly lucky and gets a rare opportunity, reading these books won’t get people jobs in the tech industry. Another example of over-the-top overselling by the ever-eager Shep.

Unless someone is incredibly lucky and gets a rare opportunity, reading these books won’t get people jobs in the

I see enough real news articles to know about Irma. This article was, for me, liked pioneer of those Tootsie Pops (remember those “how many licks does it takes to get to the center” commercials? In this case, I only read the article top are how many comments it would be before someone made it a political issue.

That “Data” -> “Sort” feature - no one uses it.

Ah, so the article isn’t about making it easier to contact our elected representatives. It’s about making it easier to contact our elected representatives to push a specific political agenda that you support.

I don’t believe DACA was meant for US citizens.

Absolutely agree regarding the conduct of the parents of the people in DACA. As a parent I could never imagine taking my kids to another country illegally if there was a chance we might be separated and I would have to leave them behind to fend for themselves. That doesn’t, however, incur an obligation on the United

An entire class of people with NO criminal record? I doubt any group of people anywhere could truthfully be described that way with such a broad and general description.

I’m not sure I follow your first paragraph. Are you saying the people in the DACA were an average of three years old when they were born?

I should note that I don’t get paid as much as most or all people in Congress, or as much as most or all doctors, and certainly not a fraction of what many in Hollywood are paid. I don’t expect to, though. I do expect to be paid a wage that’s commensurate with what others in my field with the same experience level on

If you want a system in which everyone gets the same pay regardless of what job they do, great news! There are some places that can provide you with what you want. Perhaps North Korea, or if the winters are too cold you might prefer Cuba?

Sad that so many people forget why we have the Electoral College system. We are a union of 50 states and the Electoral College helps to level the field a bit so that the big states (like California, New York for example) aren’t choosing the president and vice president for the entire country. You still have a popular

Strange, I don’t recall doing away with tipping being one of the Trump campaign promises. What alternate universe are you from?

To answer your question succinctly, yes. Thank God it’s not Hilary in the Oval Office!

I file most of this author’s writings under OUR GARBAGE ADAM CLARK ESTES.

Aww, you poor thing :(

Shep, your title is misleading. I don’t have a favorite action cam. It’s fairly presumptuous of you to assume otherwise.

Shep, your title is misleading. I don’t have a favorite action cam. It’s fairly presumptuous of you to assume

And be sure to compare to all of the other professions as well.

Now finish the math problem you started. Express the number of police killed each day divided by the total number of police officers, and divide the number of people killed in police shootings by the population of the United States. THEN your numbers mean something.

OMG! They’ll have strategic nuclear weapons and do surveillance on us with SR-71s gifted to each town and village! Lol!