Alex Putnam

I’ve done way more word processing then I care to admit. I have never found a word processor that does anything nearly as well as Word. If you need to have complete control over the formatting of your document to submit your thesis (hundreds of footnotes, hundreds of pages, tables of contents and citations that change

This kind of behavior is going to get Trump reelected.

Everyone says Greece but Athens was poorly run. What reason do we have to think they'd do better next time, or even on a permanent basis? It would just be endless graft (like it is now).

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

Henry VIII created his own religion, this is more like selling out to the
Pope... :)

But that didn’t happen, did it? We’re talking about a Trump supporter denying a Bernie supporter help. Could the same happen if it was the reverse? Certainly. Would most Trump supporters do the same that this guy did? Likely not, because they’re probably not assholes. But trying to justify this because the possibility


Just because you say those things are unbelievable doesn’t mean they are.

Many reasons.

"aging dinosaur rocker"