
Good-bye, Zubat!

I think I found a way to get my girlfriend to enjoy lego... thanks!

I'm in the same boat. It's Google. As long as they don't ban facebook from Google Chrome to try and get more people to join Google+, I'm fine with the Google = Skynet thing. Hell, I laughed for a solid 5 minutes when I heard they purchased that robotics facility!

Christ o.o I just looked at his IMDB page... He's been in at least one or two movies every year since 1996! 1995 was a no-movie year, and ever year before that since 1989, he was also in tons of movies xD what a beast

It's an MMO. OP said the graphics were better, so he's just paraphrasing.

I could see Google buying it and then adding the Glass technology to it...

My life isn't interesting enough to care. I sit infront of my laptop all day, but I bet all they hear is my really loud typing (Mechanical keyboard!), and some laughing here or there.

Candy Apple Saga: Edge of the Scroll of Candy Memory!

Easier said than done xD All my friends say they have slow internet and it's always at least 5 times faster than mine on a good day... "uuggh! Sorry internet's slow... usually a 3 MB per second but right now it's only 1.2MB. I hate when this happenssss." meanwhile I'm at home getting 30KB per second and calling that a

Also, since I can't edit my post, I'd like to mention that I pay well over 50$ a month and I get the call that I'm using too much data and that I need to slow down after I reach 25GB downloaded.

I can't tell you how much I get tired of people complaining about how "slow" their internet is. You want to see slow?

Ahhh.... Freddy and Ash... I have wanted this for a long time!

The first mission you play in GTA V is a heist mission. You literally start off pointing a gun at people. The first mission in GTA IV makes you drive your hobo cousin around town. Sure, GTA IV may have a longer story, but you gotta admit that most of the things you had to do were boring as shit. "Take this woman on a

My bro bought a bunch of adders and maxed out their sell value... If he loses anything, he'll just sell them and make the money back. Not a bad idea, but I dunno.

Close enough.

Yea, but they never said it was *impossible.*

ahh :o there's a lot more games than I thought! I prefer the 360 to the ps3, but I haven't really payed attention to all the games for the One xD

As soon as the 360 gets phased out, I will start calling the Xbox One an Xbox. For now though, that title still makes my first thought go to the 360.

I checked out the website and talked to a friend about it. It seems absolutely fantastic xD