Thanks for the clarity on the signals. It’s fascinating to think that - if he had converted the kick and been called off - the whole thing would have gone down as a historic screwjob instead of a choke job. fine lines and all that.
Thanks for the clarity on the signals. It’s fascinating to think that - if he had converted the kick and been called off - the whole thing would have gone down as a historic screwjob instead of a choke job. fine lines and all that.
Did we ever get clarity on whether Wondo was going to be called offside on that 2014 whiff? Even though replays showed he was clearly on, the announcers noted that the flag was up. But then I read elsewhere that the flag was NOT up and that they were just signaling for the goal kick.
Huh! Wouldja look at that!
I’ll tell ya what’s a good time is playing this song and shouting “HOW COULD YA BE MOE HARKLESS!?” when the chorus swings around.
Justin Buck
Anyone else think that was John Calipari sitting next to Sutter?
I usually say something dumb like “then he hit a four-run homer, and hey we should come up with like a name for that.”
Yeah he used to peddle that idea of “Blue Chippers,” his term for elite players at their position. Turns out you need some of those win a dang super bowl.
Not really on topic, but MAN is the possession arrow stupid.
Regarding the botched hold, I think Babineaux’s chasedown of Romo is pretty overlooked. He gets chipped coming around the end and has to quickly shift gears to pursue Romo —pretty damn fleet of foot at this time — around the end.
Doing laundry owns.
I thought the old place smelled like a sock.
How is the staff dealing with the death of Bunga’s den and its rebirth as a mostly anonymous islanders bar?
In 2008, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to revisit NAFTA, but quickly reversed that position and spent the waning months of his presidency campaigningfor TPP against members of his own party.
this is as good a time as any to inform everyone that there is a five minute youtube video compiling Baez’s best tags
I maintain that Paxton’s turn in Aliens is just about the most efficient comedic performance ever. I laugh at literally every single thing he says/does.
At one point there were two wide receivers named Mike Williams who played in the NFL (one was from USC, the other from Syracuse) and there is a another wide receiver Mike Williams on Clemson who I believe will be in the draft this year.
Look, with all this skepticism about Harrison Ford’s piloting abilities, you guys are coming dangerously close to telling him the odds.
as good a time as any to re-up this overlooked isaiah rider banger
Redbird ‘08 here. Also excited to learn that HemmerlingForMitchell is among our ranks.