
Looks like it's time to gentrify this neighborhood.

Good choices, needs more people of color though.

It baffles me that every monster movie other than Pacific Rim uses infantry to fight giant monsters.

The drone operator doesn't have any respect for personal space, even for the animals. They think they own everything just because they are flying.

Isn't all a money thing now. That's what sells and everything is about profit for the big triple a games anyway.

9th doctor has more hair than I remember lol

Hire this guy to read a book for charity.

Will there be human natives that can be given small pox infested blankets and forced out of their territory?

Please add more textures, a cartoony asteroid seems to kill it for me.

I hope I can hear Dinklage say "Get your ass to Mars"

So is this a grand larceny case or fraud?

whoomp whoomp on that other guy.

Maybe the stigma comes from the lack of quality control. Like random light sources.

Will it still have cartoony graphics?

Oscar from Ghostbusters 2 should be enlisted in. They've certainly grown up.

I want to kill these giant bastards

When can I get to kill the native animals or they kill me?

I'd rename it the STORMHOG

hahaha you can really see the fatigue set in.

Did all the terrorists in Australia die by venomous wildlife before creating a plot?